Thursday, December 15, 2011

Naughty Not Nice

Since the triathlon six weeks ago, people have asked me, “What’s next?” Or, they have commented, “Now you can take it easy.”  There are responses to both.

I already told you Todd’s reaction: “Now you can take on an Olympic triathlon!” Uh-huh. That sentiment is not what I wanted to hear in the throes of my painful injuries.  I rebelled.  I avoided the gym.  Oh, yes, like a good girl, I showed up for my regular training session only three days following the tri.  Oh, yes, I shared the details of the race with my coach.  Oh, yes, I whined about my injuries seeking some sympathy that did not go beyond a couple of stretches and a fist bump.  So I took it upon myself to “cut back and heal.”  Of course some friends and family members supported me in what seemed to be a reasonable route after such a brutal training period.  But, really, was it all that reasonable?

I convinced myself that the hikes and short bike rides sufficed to keep me in shape.  My diet slipped – not into oblivion but not as rich in fresh fruits and veggies as usual.  It’s amazing how quickly I felt the results! Within two weeks’ time, I felt sluggish. My sleep cycle was off.  I appeared less healthy.  I was easily stressed and chest pain accompanied that state.  Todd was not happy.  I could not handle the weights that I had prior to the race.  He let me know in no uncertain terms.  If anyone can whip me back into the right shape of body and mind, he is the one to do it!

I realized that I missed my regular training.  It wasn’t “brutal"; it was routine.  It’s what I am supposed to do to be healthy.  With Dr. Tirrito’s blessing, I am back into the game training for another triathlon in March. 

I learned an important lesson.  It’s not nice to be naughty – at least not where your health is concerned.  Besides, at this time of year, I want to be on Santa’s “good” list!

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